Rescue Dawn (movie)
Title: Rescue Dawn
Directed by: Werner Herzog
Year, production: 2006, USA
Cast: Christian Bale, Steve Zahn, Jeremy Davies, ...
Runtime: 126 min
American pilot (born in Germany), Dieter Dengler (Christian Bale) after crush of his plane was captured and being hold prisoner during Vietnam War in Laos. He and other prisoners decided to escape but he didn’t realize that the true prison is the jungle. This movie is based on true story.
The movie has very nice pictures and music. The story is not the most intense but you can watch it with a pleasure and some tension.
I think the 'Rescue Dawn' is the best movie on 2006. I like Christian Bale, Steve Zahn, Jeremy Davies well.
As flying movie i like it most. I have enjoyed the movie many times. Did you?
Thanks for your very helpful reviews
"Rescue Dawn" is a good drama of war, with great performances of Christian Bale and Steve Zahn. Jeremy Davies has his customary role of an insecure and unstable guy. The story shows the spirit of a soldier and his struggle for surviving in a totally hostile environment. The poor and suffered peasants that had their lands, homes and families bombed are naive and do not have military training; therefore the storyline of Dieter's amazing escape is credible. My vote is eight.
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